The puppies started to explore the world this week! They can see, hear and totter around.
Personalities have stared to emerge. Find out who the loud mouth was and who was super chill in this week’s update.

Mama Belle Update
Last week Belle’s milk duct issue was resolved, if you missed that update check it out here: Week 2 Update
This week Belle ate about 3 times as much as normal in order to keep up with the puppies’ growing appetites.
She enjoyed a good variety of protein this week:
Beef, lamb, salmon, cod, white fish, pork and chicken.
She had frozen whole sardines, salmon fillets and a few chicken necks to round out her daily proteins.
Feeding Belle a large variety of proteins helps her puppies develop a robust and tolerant digestive system. Because the puppies eat what Mom eats, it’s important to expose them to a variety of proteins.

Black Collar
This guy broke the 1kg barrier!
He weighs 1.075 and his ears are wide open!
Black Collar lifted his head any time someone came his way. He didn’t care who it was, he just wanted to be sure someone heard him talking about how hungry he was. I think Black Collar enjoyed the novelty of hearing his own voice. He was the loud mouth of the litter for Week 3.

Dark Blue Collar
Our gentle giant was the biggest puppy in the litter this week. He is 1.24 kilograms! What a chunky fellow!
And this is the puppy who almost didn’t make his Week 1 milestone. I think he will stay the biggest for the first few months. Will one of the other 2 puppies get bigger in the future? We will just have to wait to find out.
Dark Blue Collar is a very laid back puppy! We found him snoring away, upside down many times during Week 3. He’s just that chill.
He’s also initiated the most playtime.

Pink Collar
Pink was 1.02 kilograms. She just squeaked past that 1 kilogram milestone.
She was the smallest but she was also the smartest. Pink solved many problems so her small stature didn’t hold her back from opportunities at the milk bar. Pink figured out how to stand on the crate mat so she could reach the milkbar when Belle stood up to nurse. Pretty clever! Pink also learned how to duck behind things to avoid her brothers’ rough and tumble play times.

Coming Up
Week 4 had a major change for the puppies. They moved! Find out all about their new home here: