Firefly Litter is 4 weeks old
Description: Watch the 6 chocolate labradoodle puppies from the Firefly litter at Van Isle Doodles playing together at 4 weeks old. Laugh as you listen
Description: Watch the 6 chocolate labradoodle puppies from the Firefly litter at Van Isle Doodles playing together at 4 weeks old. Laugh as you listen
Description: Enjoy 3 week old labradoodle puppies from the Firefly litter at Van Isle Doodles. Watch this video to learn more about toys and how
Description: The mini labradoodle puppies from the Firefly litter turn 2 weeks old today. Not all the puppies have their eyes open yet but you
Description: Watch week old labradoodle puppies in this litter update YouTube video from Van Isle Doodles. Enjoy seeing each of the 6 Australian labradoodles in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trd4WLUKAv4&list=PLuamh_WMAS2PoXJC6dwimV_jDoArZmjEu&index=2 Description: In this Birth Announcement video from Van Isle Doodles, meet the 6 brand new Australian labradoodle puppies born on New Year’s Eve 2021.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_A-Lk29Ln8&list=PLuamh_WMAS2P_8mmlSo–hCIgTFczBuq5&index Description: Listen as Claire tells us what each family was hoping for in their labradoodle puppy. Discover why the particular labradoodle was picked for
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVcGUYuSefo&list=PLuamh_WMAS2P_8mmlSo–hCIgTFczBuq5&index Description: Giggle as you see red collar girl refuse to cooperative with Claire in this video for these labradoodle puppies. Learn more about each
Description: Claire explains how building a strong bond with your labradoodle puppy is so important to effective learning with your dog. Have fun as you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slAaKNfha84&list=PLuamh_WMAS2P_8mmlSo–hCIgTFczBuq5&index Description: Meet the caramel labradoodle puppies from the Strawberry Swirl litter at Van Isle Doodles. These Australian labradoodle puppies are 3 weeks old and
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